The city of Angers supports young people's international mobility through a number of initiatives designed to broaden their horizons in Europe and the world, and educate them in international citizenship, leading to a better understanding and acceptance of the diversity of the world to which they belong.
Support for the international mobility of young people
Going Abroad
Youth Ambassadors of Angers
Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Would you like to go abroad to discover the world and the work of international cooperation through an enriching and multicultural professional experience? Being a Young Ambassador of Angers could be the experience you’re looking for !
Every year, the city of Angers celebrates its sister city partnerships through a youth exchange initiative: the Ambassadors of Angers. From October 1 to September 30, the Angers ambassadors, recruited by the City of Angers' Europe & International Department, move to the heart of the sister cities to contribute positively to the intercultural relations within the region, boost bilateral relations, and propose new projects, take part in international life, and allow people discover French and Angevine culture. Working closely with the city, associations, schools, etc., and in tandem with their foreign counterparts in Angers, the Young Ambassadors play an active role in proposing activities for the region and promoting international experiences through a wide range of projects, events, and enlightening activities aimed at all audiences.
It is a unique first professional experience abroad as well as a salaried position, giving you the chance to discover the professional world, public service, and international affairs under the best possible conditions.
Recruitment : every year between February 15 and May 15, for a start date in early October.
Volunteering for International Solidarity in Bamako, Mali
For many years now, thanks to the national VSI: Volontariat de Solidarité Internationale (Volunteering for International Solidarity) initiative in conjunction with France Volontaires, Angers has been supporting its sister city partnership with Bamako in Mali through the local presence of an Angers representative. The VSI's mission is to animate, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate Angers-Bamako projects from Bamako, to represent Angers with Malian players and authorities, as well as with French institutions abroad, and to promote sectoral relations.
Recruitment : currently suspended due to the political and geopolitical climate.
France volontaires website (in french), Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
J, Angers Connectée Jeunesse (Angers Connected Youth)
Erasmus, CES (European Solidarity Corps), VIA/VIE (International Business Internship/International Administration International), VSI (Volunteering for International Solidarity) and much more... There’s plenty of unforgettable opportunities to have a useful experience abroad. That's why The J, Angers Connectée Jeunesse, opens its doors to young Angevins aged 15 to 30, to support them in their projects, whatever it may be, thanks to a lively team and several resources accessible to all.
More info on J Jeunesse website, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre or by appointment, 12 place Imbach .
AMIS : Aide à la mobilité internationale des scolaires (Financial assistance for student’s international mobility)
To encourage youth under the age of 18 to have their first experience abroad, the AMIS initiative encourages young people's international and intercultural awareness by supporting school trips abroad. It is aimed at elementary and secondary schools (middle and high schools) in Angers, public or private under contract, as well as in the technological, vocational or agricultural schools, to support the mobility of students attending school in Angers, regardless of where they live.
Come to Angers
Young Ambassadors of the Sister Cities
Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Would you like to come to Angers to discover French culture and learn the world of international cooperation through an enriching, multicultural professional experience? The Young Ambassadors of Angers Program is for you !
Every year, Angers celebrates its sister cities through a youth exchange program: the Young Ambassadors of the City of Angers. From October 1st to September 30th, ambassadors from the sister cities are welcomed to Angers by the city hall’s Europe and International Department to help promote the city and region, boost bilateral relations, propose new projects, take part in international life, and introduce their culture and country to Angevins. Working closely with their home towns, associations and schools, and in tandem with their French counterparts in sister cities, the Young Ambassadors play an active role in promoting the region and its international influence, through a wide range of projects, events, and awareness-raising activities aimed at all audiences.
It is a unique first professional experience abroad as well as a salaried position, enabling you to discover the professional world, public service, and international business in the best possible conditions.
Recruitment for the Ambassador of Osnabrück is currently in progress – applications accepted until May 15, 2024.
Spanish European Solidarity Corps
Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Would you like to come to Angers to discover French culture and learn the world of international cooperation through an enriching, multicultural professional experience? The European Solidarity Corps is for you !
CES : Les Corps Européen de Solidarité (European Solidarity Corps) is a European Union program offering young people the chance to get involved in France and Europe. Every year, from October to August, Angers welcomes a young Spanish volunteer from Valencia to the city's Europe and International Department, in partnership with the Parcours le Monde association, to take part in the region's international life and introduce Angevins to Spanish culture and Spain. Working closely with local associations and schools, as well as the Young Ambassadors of the sister cities hosted in Angers, the volunteer will play an active role in local activities through a wide range of projects, events, and awareness-raising activities aimed at all audiences.
It's also a unique first professional experience in France, enabling you to discover the country, the professional world, public service, and international business in the best possible conditions.
Recruitment: every year April-May, starting in October
Corps Européen de solidarité website (in french), Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Hosting international delegations and youth at the Town Hall
The City of Angers is offering a tour of the Town Hall and its symbolic rooms, to explain the role of the Mayor and present some of the city's public service missions. This guided tour is aimed at schools and extra-curricular groups aged 10 and over, as well as adults. It is also available to international delegations and groups of young people wishing to discover the town hall and the values of the French Republic.
Participation upon online registration, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Duration : 1h to 1h30
Visites citoyennes website (in french), Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre