The city of Angers is committed to international cooperation efforts and is taking an active part in European and international city networks, in order to train, inform, innovate, and exchange. Additionally, it allows for the city's voice to be represented to Community bodies and international institutions, and to contribute to decisions and policy-making aimed at better meeting local needs. A genuine international platform, the city networks are a veritable tool for promoting Angers' best practices, the region, and its actors. The networks also enable the city to be part of a perpetual learning approach that contributes to making Angers a model city in multiple areas.
International networks and recognition
City Networks
French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE - Association Française du Conseil des Communes et Régions d'Europe)
AFCCRE was founded in 1951 at the initiative of local elected officials. At the origin of the sister city movement in Europe during the aftermath of the Second World War, it now includes over 1,500 European and international local authorities, communes, departments, regions, and intermunicipal bodies. AFCCRE is a major source of information on current affairs and all European policies, and helps to involve French local authorities in European policies.
United Cities France (CUF - Cités Unies France)
Founded in 1975, Cités Unies France (CUF) brings together French local authorities, regions, departments, and cities of all sizes committed to international action. CUF is strengthened by institutional and cross-level partnerships, and helps its 300 members to gain recognition for their international actions, and to inform and support them in the internationalization of their territories. Through specific country and thematic groups, the network works closely with local authorities in the fields of urban development, tourism, culture, and the environment, pooling and capitalizing on concerted action and strengthening cooperation between territories.
United Cities and Local Governments (CGLU - Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis)
Founded by CUF in 2004, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) is the world's largest organization of local governments. With representatives from every continent, representing nearly 70% of the world's population, UCLG is the voice of governments, bringing local perspectives to global issues through coordination and the exchange of best practice.
With over 200-member cities representing 38 countries and 130 million inhabitants, the Eurocities network has been uniting Europe's major cities since 1986 around a common goal: building a better future together. By drawing inspiration from each other, sharing best practices, and coordinating their actions, member cities are acting for the climate, social equity, and a global and local economy. Eurocities also aims to give cities a voice from Brussels, so that they can participate in European policy-making and bring decision-makers and citizens closer together.
Regional multi-actor network Pays de la Loire International Cooperation
Formerly known as ALCID, the Pays de la Loire multi-actor regional network brings together local partners working towards cooperation and solidarity around the world: local authorities, associations, companies, universities... all working together to implement international synergies, while at the same time enriching their territories. Headquartered in Angers, the association is supported by the Pays de la Loire Region and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The network supports the sharing of experience and information, dialogue and pooling of resources, as well as consultation between actors.
Pays de la Loire Coopération Internationale website (in french), Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Thematic Networks
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM)
The Covenant of Mayors is an international network of cities dedicated to the fight against climate change. The objective of the GCoM and its 12,761-member cities, representing a population of over 1 billion from 142 countries, is to provide coordinated local solutions for global action to reduce CO2 emissions by 2030, with a long-term vision in developing a resilient, low-emission society.
International Association of Educating Cities (EdCities)
Founded in 1994, including over 500 cities in 34 countries, EDCities brings together local governments committed to the Charter of Educating Cities. Promoting lifelong learning, the mobilization of all educational members and the definition of education as an axis of strategic development, EdCities supports its members in coordinating projects and sharing best practices.
International Recognition
Tree Cities of The World, An Organisation of the United Nations
A reward to cities that have implemented policies and actions in favour of urban forests and urban greenery, to promote an environmentally-friendly approach and sustainable management of nature in the city.
Tree Cities of the World website, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Green Cities Accord
A movement by European cities committed to preserving the environment. The signatories are committed to taking further action to achieve targeted goals in 5 areas by 2030.
More info about green cities accord (in french), Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Ville Amie des Aînés (Age-friendly Cities), Of the World Health Organization
Rewards municipalities committed to improving the well-being of elderly residents in their area (public policies, urban planning...).
More info about Network of age-friendly cities, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Ville Européenne (European City)
Rewards municipalities for their European commitment to symbolic actions and educational, cooperative, civic, and cultural practices.
The Europe Prize
The Europe Prize was created in 1955 by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg to reward municipalities particularly active in promoting European ideals. Angers was awarded the first 2 levels of this prize (A plaque of honor).
Towns awarded the Europe Prize since 1955, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre