As France's no. 1 green city and home to highly competitive, innovative companies and structures at the European and international level, Angers is committed to the European Union's proactive 2021-2027 policy in the fight against global warming, developing an ambitious project for sustainable development and ecological transition in the territory. As the city in France with the highest quality of life, Angers promotes inclusivity in all sectors, for all thanks to the dynamism of its associations, sports, and culture, and the implementation of citizen participation mechanisms.
European affairs and funding
Programs and projects financed by the European Union
Horizon Europe Projects (climate and environment)
Mission 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030
- Theme : environment, climate
- Duration : 8 years (2022 – 2030)
- Description : 100 European cities are taking part in an EU project aimed at achieving climate neutrality by 2030. Among them, nine French cities, including Angers (Angers Loire Metropole), have been selected. They are to become laboratories for experimentation and innovation to enable all European cities to achieve this objective by 2050, and to this end will benefit from tailored advice and assistance thanks to NetZeroCities, a platform dedicated to the implementation of the mission.
- Budget : The city’s mission has been allocated 360 million euros. This budget covers, among other things, the creation and running of the NetZeroCities platform, technical and financial assistance, and specific calls for projects (pilot project cities, sister cities, etc.).
- Partners : 100 European cities + 12 cities outside of the EU (redirects to a list on the website)
Climate-neutral and smart cities website, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Mission "Adapting to climate change and societal transformations”
- Theme : environment, climate
- Duration : 8 years (2022 – 2030)
- Description : The Mission aims to help 150 European regions and communities, including Angers Loire Métropole, become climate resilient by 2030. To achieve this main objective, the Mission supports territories in drawing up adaptation plans and implementing actions to accelerate their transformation and make them resilient to the challenges of climate change.
- Budget : The Mission's resources are estimated at around 930 million euros for 2021-2027. However, member territories do not receive lump-sum funding, but benefit from personalized support and technical assistance. In addition, calls for projects are issued every year, and Angers Loire Métropole can submit applications for funding to set up demonstration projects in the region.
- Partners : 150 European regions and communities
EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change website, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
HUMUS (Healthy Municipal Soils) project - "Soil health and food" mission
- Theme : Soil health
- Description : The main objective of HuMUS is to facilitate the implementation of the European Soil Mission in the different regions and municipalities participating in the project through :
- Creating and testing spaces for social dialogue on soil health between public and private actors in Europe;
- Developing processes and tools for co-assessing soil issues;
- Improving knowledge sharing between municipalities and regions.
HuMUS will fund at least 20 exemplary pilot projects on a European scale through an internal call for projects. Angers Loire Metropole is involved in the project as a partner territory in the sharing of knowledge during workshops. - Budget : ALM will not receive funding for this project, but may respond to calls for pilot projects to be launched in 2024.
- Partners : Pays de Loire Chamber of Agriculture, Vegepolys Valley, and 18 other European partners
Youth and sport
Erasmus+ Projects
Europe on Stage
Theme : youth and culture
Duration : may 2020 – may 2021 with realization being from June 26 – August 5, 2021
Description : 45 young Europeans aged 16 to 19 spent ten days on exchange during the summer of 2021. Angers welcomed 15 young people from Osnabrück (Germany) and 15 young people from Toruń (Poland), with the following program :
- Artistic and theatrical practice supervised by the L'R de rien association (musical and technical workshops, discovery of show business professions, program set-up) and two concerts on the stages of Tempo 2 Rives and the Centre Jean Vilar de la Roseraie; cultural and public activities, sports and recreational activities…
- Cultural and civic activities : historical tours, town hall reception, exchanges on European citizenship with Maison de l'Europe as part of the conference on the future of Europe.
- Sports and leisure activities (linked to the Summer on the Lake event).
- Free time : give young people free time to exchange ideas on their own during periods that are deliberately not defined in advance.
Budget : €60,000 Erasmus+ and OFAJ grant
Partners : City of Angers, community centers, City of Osnabrück (Germany) and the City of Torun (Poland)
3 departments are involved within the city of Angers: Youth and student life, DDAQ: La Direction Développement des associations et des quartiers (Associations and Neighborhood Development Department), DEI (links with European partners and European funding) + German ambassador.
- 2 community centers involved in the project in Angers: encourages mobility among young people who are less familiar with European issues.
- Youth offices in both twin towns: Osnabrück (Germany) and Torun (Poland)
More info : final concert at CJV, Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre
Follow-up : this project created momentum for youth exchanges, and was followed by the project Découvre l'Europe (Discover Europe) in 2023, piloted by the city of Osnabrück. During this project, 23 young participants (including 7 from Angers) aged 18 to 26 worked on the UN's sustainable development objectives, and were able to compare the approaches of the cities of Canakkale (Turkey), Angers, and Osnabrück by visiting each of these cities in turn. The project culminated in a Youth Forum on Sustainable Development, as part of the 375th anniversary of the Peace of Westphalia. The project was financed by the OFAJ and the Mercator Foundation.
Theme : Youth and sports
Duration : 36 months (June 2022 – June 2025)
Description : Led by the Sport et Citoyenneté (Sport and Citizenship) association as part of the Erasmus+ program, the PACTE+ project aims to support 4 European cities in assessing the policies implemented to promote physical activity. With the support of experts within the consortium, monitoring tools, performance measurement, workshops, and training sessions will be organized for the cities to strengthen their actions and exchange ideas, practices, and experiences on the issue of physical activity
Budget : €400,000 for the project and €29,000 for the city of Angers.
Partners : Sport et Citoyenneté (leader); Evaleo; TAFISA; European Federation for Company Sport / European Cyclists' Federation / School sports, Technical University of Munich; 4 European cities: Graz (Austria), Limerick (Ireland), Fredrickstad (Norway) and Angers (France).
Agreements and commitments
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
A network of cities sharing a common vision of resilient low-carbon cities, where citizens have access to sustainable, affordable energy: over 10,000 cities in Europe. The signatories commit to :
- Reduce CO2 emissions (and, if possible, other GHGs) by at least 55% by 2030
- Increase their resilience by adapting to the impacts of climate change
- Translate their political commitment into results by drawing up local action plans and reporting on their progress.
Signature and accession dates : 2013 and 2022.
Green Cities Agreement
A movement of European cities committed to preserving the environment. The signatories are committed to taking further action to achieve targeted goals in 5 areas by 2030.
- Air quality : significant improvement in urban air quality.
- Water : improvements in natural water quality and water use efficiency.
- Biodiversity : significant progress in the conservation and enhancement of urban biodiversity.
- Circular economy : significant reduction in waste and landfills, substantial increase in reuse, repair and recycling.
- Noise pollution : significant reduction in noise pollution, towards the levels recommended by the World Health Organization.
Signature and accession dates : July 2022