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Teaching, research and industry
With 26,000 students, two universities, 80 scientific research units and 700 research workers, Angers has adopted links between business and education.
• University of Angers: 17,500 students, 5 teaching and research units, 26 accredited research centres, 1 Technology University Institute, 6 professional schools.
• Université Catholique de l’Ouest: over 8,600 students, 13 institutes and 5 study centres.
• University medical school (CHU), a regional centre of excellence for training and research.
• Main colleges of higher education: Arts and Crafts (ENSAM), Business studies (ESSCA), Institut National de l’Horticulture (INH), electronics (ESEO), École Supérieure d’Agriculture (ESA), military engineering (ESAG).
• Main public research laboratories: INRA (Agricultural Research Institute) and laboratories accredited by INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research).